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苹果发布iPhone 5C和iPhone 5S(2)_b体育

发布时间:2024-10-16 00:04:01  点击量:817

本文摘要:Apples newest phones will ship with a new operating system, dubbed iOS 7. The company said it would be releasing the software as a free upgrade to customers with some older-model iPhones and iPads on Sept. 18.苹果的新款手机都将用于新的操作系统iOS 7。

Apples newest phones will ship with a new operating system, dubbed iOS 7. The company said it would be releasing the software as a free upgrade to customers with some older-model iPhones and iPads on Sept. 18.苹果的新款手机都将用于新的操作系统iOS 7。该公司说道,一些旧版iPhone和iPad的用户将可以从9月18日开始免费升级至新的操作系统。The question for Apple now is whether a one-two punch of the new software and hardware can help it regain market share. Apple sold more than 380 million iPhones, but it has slipped from the worlds most popular smartphone to second place behind devices made by Samsung, which represented more nearly 32% of world-wide sales in the second quarter, up from about 30% a year earlier, according to industry researcher Gartner. Apple, meanwhile, represented about 14%, down from nearly 19% a year prior.苹果现在面对的问题是,公布新的软件和硬件的组合拳否需要协助其攻占市场份额。


After the announcement, Apple shares traded down about 2%, at $496.09.发布会后,苹果股价暴跌大约2%,至496.09美元。On stage, Mr. Schiller joked about the product leaks that meant there were few surprises during his presentation. Some of you may have seen some shots on the Web, and that is cool, because people are excited, he said.席勒在台上打趣说道,产品信息的泄漏意味著他展示的时候没什么惊艳了。他说道,你们中的一些人有可能早已在网上看见过某些镜头,那很好,因为人们十分激动。Among the technology improvements in the iPhone 5S are Apples new 64-bit A7 processor, which the company says has up to twice the performance of previous models.iPhone 5S的技术升级还包括苹果新的64位A7处理器。

苹果说道,该处理器的性能可约此前机型的两倍。It also features an 8-megapixel camera that can take 10 frames a second in burst mode, and a new chip to capture movements as customers carry the phone around to help with fitness tracking, among other things.这款手机还有一个800万像素的摄像头,在连拍模式下每秒可摄制10张照片,还有一个新的芯片,可以感官运动,在顾客随身携带带着手机时协助记录健美情况等。Brian Marshall, an analyst an ISI group, said he believes the iPhone 5C is impressive, but he questions whether the new device will have the total cost, and gross margins necessary, to help it hit mass market.一家ISI的组织的分析师马歇尔(Brian Marshall)说道,他指出iPhone 5C令人印象深刻印象,但批评这款新的设备能否不具备适当的总体成本和毛利润率,从而协助它打进大众市场。I dont think its a lowbrow phone, said Mr. Marshall. People were worried Apple would bring in a clunky product. That doesnt look to be the case. However, he added, the key question is what the carrier subsidy is.马歇尔说道,我并不实在它是一款平庸的手机。


At the launch event, Apple CEO Tim Cook positioned Apples software as a major advantage. Its new iOS7 software, which includes a new look and features to deter thieves and more easily share files between devices, was first shown off in the summer.在发布会上,苹果首席执行长库克(Tim Cook)将苹果的软件视作根本性优势。苹果新的iOS7软件今年夏天首次亮相,该软件还包括新的外观,还有制止窃贼以及构建设备之间更加简单的文件共享等功能。App developers have said iOS 7 is one of Apples most important software releases, and it will likely define the companys success with customers for the foreseeable future.应用于开发人员说道,iOS 7是苹果最重要的软件公布之一,它有可能将要求该公司在可见的未来能否顺利夺得客户。When Apple released its first iPhone, the devices software was lauded for its ease of use. Over time, however, the iPhones user interface has begun to look stale next to competitors such as Google Inc.s GOOG +0.07% Android operating system, which powers the majority of the worlds phones, and Microsoft Corp.s MSFT +2.32% Windows Phone software.苹果公布第一代iPhone时,其软件就因便于用于而倍受赞誉。

然而随着时间的流逝,在谷歌的安卓(Android)操作系统和微软公司的Windows Phone软件等竞争对手面前,iPhone的用户界面开始变得陈旧。全世界智能手机大多数使用安卓操作系统。Apple did have one software surprise up its sleeve: It is making its iWork, iPhoto and iMovie mobile productivity apps free. The move ratchets up competition with Microsoft, maker of the Surface tablets, in the lucrative business market.苹果的锦囊中显然有软件方面的惊艳:该公司将免费获取iWork、iPhoto和iMovie等工作类应用于。




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