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必一运动·(B-Sports)官方网站-创历史! 新款iPad或成为首款无Home键iOS设备

发布时间:2024-10-15 00:04:01  点击量:667

本文摘要:Apple could be making its first touch screen device without a home button due for release next year.苹果公司有可能正在设计其首款没Home键的产品,并将于明年月公布。

Apple could be making its first touch screen device without a home button due for release next year.苹果公司有可能正在设计其首款没Home键的产品,并将于明年月公布。The Cupertino giant could be working on an iPad without the unlock button on the front of the device, reports suggest.报导称之为,这家库比蒂诺巨头正在研发一款前面没Home键的平板电脑。The upcoming 10.9-inch iPad, which is expected to be unveiled early next year, will still have a FaceTime camera on the top, but there will be no space for a home button at the bottom of the screen, according to Maktotakara.据Maktotakara报导,这款期望中的10.9寸的平板将于明年初公布,顶部仍然不会保有FaceTime摄像头,但底部却没Home键的空间。

Removing the home button will make space for a larger screen on the tablet that is likely to be the same size as the current 9.7-inch iPad Pro.Home键被去除将使得这款平板的屏幕尺寸和目前9.7寸的iPad Pro完全相同。The rumours also suggest that the iPad will have smaller buttons on the top and side, as well as being the same thickness as the iPad Air 2 rather than the size of the iPad Pro. This increase is to make space for the battery given the larger screen size.还有传闻称之为,这款平板的顶部和侧面按键都会变大,厚度也与iPad Air厚度完全相同。

减少设备厚度是为了给电池获取空间以承托更大的屏幕。Apple plans to keep selling the 9.7-inch iPad Pro, Makotakara said, alongside the 10.9-inch device, but will drop the price of the current tablet and aim it towards the lower end of the market.Makotakara的报告称之为,苹果公布这款10.9寸的平板后, 9.7寸的iPad Pro计划之后销售,不过不会降价以针对低端市场。The newer iPad, by comparison, is being designed for use in schools and businesses where a larger screen is necessary. As well as the 10.9-inch iPad, Apple is reportedly working on a new 12.9-inch iPad Pro that will be an extra 3mm thick. It isnt clear if it will have a home button or not.相比之下,这款新的平板主要面向学校和企业等必须较小屏幕的群体。

与此同时,据报导苹果还在研发一款12.9寸的iPad Pro,其厚度也不会减少3毫米,但是不是Home键目前尚能不确切。The iPhone 8, due for release next September is also rumoured to be missing the home button. It is likely to have a TouchID that sits behind the screen rather than a physical button beneath it.此外,将要于明年9月公布的iPhone8,传闻也会有Home键。

它近于有可能会在显示屏下方另设一个Touch ID,而不是在下面设置一个物理按钮。



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